Turning Chucky into Buddi | Is Child's Play (2019) Worthy of a Franchise?

Hey Jack, I’m back! And with me, another speed art. I saw the 2019 Child’s Play movie and wanted to talk about how it fits in with the franchise, if, in my humble opinion, it should continue, and let you know where I’d place the film in my Chucky ranking.

I think I saw the first five movies by the time I was a teenager but thought they were kind of goofy. So when they announced a reboot or a remake, I really didn’t have a horse in the race. I know some people weren’t thrilled that they were doing this remake without Don Mancini since he’s been with the franchise from the beginning, creating the character and directing some of the movies. I respect all he’s done and appreciate it when there’s one overarching vision for a franchise. And I think that’s why people were upset by the 2019 reboot, more so than something like the Texas Chainsaw reboot. I saw some comments where people were refusing to see or acknowledge the movie. It kind of made you feel like you have to take a side. Either you’re supporting the original Child’s Play films or the reboot, which is weird. Why can’t I just like both? And that’s the mentality I went into watching the 2019 film. And honestly, I thought the movie was pretty good. It was a decent horror film. It didn’t dismiss what had happened in the Don Mancini films, but it did kind of exist in an alternate universe. There were enough changes where it didn’t need to be a Child’s Play movie. It could have just been a movie about a killer doll. And I think that’s why I enjoy it. I was able to separate it from the franchise and just enjoy it as a solo horror film. That’s not to say it didn’t have some story issues, and I feel like the gore was too much at some points, but altogether I had a fun time watching this movie. I do wish it was more of a follow-up to the original series and got more of the love and budget that those original films deserve.

So here’s how I would rank each Chucky movie and where I’d place the 2019 film:

8. Seed of Chucky


If they do a sequel, I really want them to go further with Chucky. Put on that menacing voice when he goes full evil. We saw that a bit at the end of the 2019 film, but they made him too much like a clingy girlfriend instead of the menacing killers that I’m more accustomed to seeing. It would help if they could beef that up and produce a story that feels more organic. They have a lot going for them already. The characters are fun, and the actors are really good in their roles, so if they just bring back what worked while pushing the story and making Chucky the evil creature we know and love, they can make this reboot series work.

In short, let’s just have love and harmony for all parts of the Chucky franchise, even if you hate 90% of these movies, because, in truth, they’re not perfect, but definitely a lot of fun. If you haven’t seen Chucky’s Evolution, check it out on Tell It Animated. And, until next time, I'll tell you something later!